
The Outcome Map: Understanding your security and data center architecture

What is the Outcome Map?

At Inflection Point Technologies, we look at business outcomes as a destination on a map.

Sometimes you’re not quite sure where you are, and with so many options, you’re not quite sure where to go. But the outcome is not the most important piece of information on a map—it’s understanding where you are. 

That’s why we created the Outcome Map, our proven process created on the back of decades of experience in the security, data and IT sectors. Our comprehensive Outcome Map gives you clarity on where you are, identifies where you want to go, and lays out a clear roadmap for how to get there.

With our Outcome Map, you can identify ways to save money on complicated and often redundant infrastructure; reduce time for securely onboarding new employees and contractors; improve productivity through a better user experience (without compromising your data); and increase your overall security posture — fewer vulnerabilities and more comprehensive oversight.

What does our report include?

We'll generate an extensive report targeting a business process and the technologies currently used to enable that process.

  • An overview of the applications and controls, as well as how they interact.
  • The costs associated with your current environment.
  • A diagram and analysis of tool overlap.
  • A map to achieve the gold standard of protection for your unique environment.

What does our process analyze?

Our proprietary Outcome Map is a complete overview of your security and data center architecture. We’ll work with your internal teams to understand your business outcomes, applications, and the security controls you have in place.

Data governance

Tracking user behavior and protecting against malicious actors is extremely complicated when dealing with multiple SaaS or internal web apps, each with their own attack surface.

We look at the tools you’re using to oversee your users and identify blind spots – and how to fix them.


Allowing remote access into your environment is essential in today’s business landscape, where remote work is as common as ever. Our analysis determines whether we can reduce (or replace) the need for a VPN-SSLVPN in your environment.

Virtual Desktop Infrastructure  / Desktop as a Service

VDI is complicated, expensive, and often negatively impacts the user experience of your workforce. Our analysis determines whether we can reduce (or replace) the need for a VDI in your environment. 

SSL decryption

SSL decryption is slow and significantly increases cost – all just to see your own traffic. We’ll review your oversight process and see where we can make changes to decrease bandwidth bottlenecks while enhancing data surveillance.

Secure Services Edge (SSE)

Enabling Gartner’s SSE through Cloud Access Security Brokers, Secure Web Gateways, & Zero Trust Network Access adds complexity to your architecture and increases administrative overhead. 

We identify solutions to achieve the promise of SSE – more securely and with less management.


Creating secured devices and granting access to each application in your environment can slow the onboarding process and add to the expense of enabling new workers. 

We identify opportunities to reduce the time and expense of onboarding through technology that more efficiently authenticates and manages user behavior.

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